LuckRank | Fully configurable [BungeeCord/Spigot] [Update STOP] icon

LuckRank | Fully configurable [BungeeCord/Spigot] [Update STOP] -----

Simple RankCommand with Luckperms

LuckRank | Fully configurable
☆ LuckRank | Fully configurable ☆



Minecraft-Netzwerk with LuckPerms



Plugin downloaden und in den Plugin-Ordner von eurem Spigot-Server schieben

Einmal den Spigot-Server Neustarten damit sich die config.yml erstellt. In der config.yml könnt ihr jetzt alles einstellen

Nachdem ihr alles so wie ihr es wollt konfiguriert habt, startet ihr den Spigot-Server erneut neu.

Wenn jetzt in der Konsole keine Fehlermeldung Auftritt ist alles richtig eingerichtet!



/rang set <player> <rank> <time in days -1 = Lifetime>


targetPlayerNotOnline: "&cTarget player is not online."
noPermissiongroup: "&cYou don't have permission to set ranks for players in that group."
targetPlayerNotFound: "&cTarget player not found or data not loaded."
rankUpdated: "&aYour rank has been updated. New rank: {rank} ({duration})."
rankSetSuccessfully: "&aRank successfully set for {targetPlayer}. New rank: {rank} ({duration})."
rankSetLog: "&a{player} set rank for {targetPlayer}. New rank: {rank} ({duration})."
invalidDurationFormat: "&cInvalid duration format. Please use a positive number or '-1 for Lifetime'."
availableRanks: "&7Available Ranks: {ranks}"
commandUsage: "&7/rang set <player> <rank> <time in days -1 = Lifetime>"
prefix: "&2Luck&aRank &8▏ &7"



luckrank.set. + groupName
----------, Nov 26, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 478
First Release: Nov 26, 2023
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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