after a long time I'm back with a brand new update. I took some time off during the holidays, but I didn't do nothing, I rewrote the whole backend, the result for you is the same, but it makes it a bit easier for me and it's also a bit faster now (around 145ms faster). Furthermore I also coded something for you

I made the plugin update itself, making this posssibly the last change-log you'll read from me

Since you possibly bought the plugin here on spigot you need to get a license key to use the new auto-update feature. You can do this on my discord server in the #verification channel by running the command /verify spigotmc plugin <yourSpigotName> . It's important to know, that the plugin works perfectly fine without said license key. You only need it to use the auto-updating feature.
Now enjoy your last change-log:
CHANGE] - Changed the discord bot to accept spigot as a platform
CHANGE] - Changed the API calls to work better with the new backend
ADDING] - Adding auto updating. The plugin now downloads and replaces itself with a newer Version if needed
ADDING] - Added an option to enable or disable the auto update feature in the config
Thanks for reading this change-log.
Hear you soon
If you found any new bugs, want to suggest a feature or just want to chat a little bit feel free to join my discord server. (