Mineopoly  | A new way to mini game icon

Mineopoly | A new way to mini game -----

Play a board game classic with your friends | 1.19.4 - 1.21

Lots of bugs fixed
Hey you all,
I'm back for you with great news. I have fixed many bugs in the plugin. Before I tell you what changed, I wanted to say thanks to @NightGamingTV for helping me testing and finding these bugs.
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where it threw an error on closing inventories
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where a player removed from the game could join the game again
[ FIX ] - Fixed a bug, where all players shared one scoreboard
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, that was thrown when a player was removed but wasn't owning a street
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where if a text couldn't be found an error was thrown
[ FIX] - Weather cycle deactivated
[ FIX] - Anvils can't be opened anymore
[ FIX] - A bug, where the player moved to a pretty high field after he got out of prison was fixed
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the buy free from prison crashed the whole game
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the global pod wasn't emptied after a player landed on free parking
[ FIX] - Fixed some bugs with the cards
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where streets could be bought twice
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the bankrupt algorithm wasn't correctly mortgaging streets
[ CHANGE] - Changed, that HIGH priority logs are always shown even if debug mode is disabled
[ ADDING] - The skulls above the fields are now only visible to the spectating player
[ ADDING ] - Added a message if the player try's to mortgage a street with houses on it

Wow that was a lot. Thanks for reading the release notes.
Hear you soon :D

If you found any new bugs, want to suggest a feature or just want to chat a little bit feel free to join my discord server. ( https://mineopoly.de/discord)
----------, Nov 21, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 27
First Release: Nov 17, 2023
Last Update: Oct 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings