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Spawner Support Added
New Feature: Customize Mob Spawner Settings

Elevate your Skygrid adventures with the new Spawner Support feature, offering complete control over mob spawner settings. Customize spawner attributes, including the types of entities, spawn rates, and other parameters.

Key Features:

  • Fine-Tune Spawner Settings: Precisely adjust the spawner settings, specifying the entity, delay, max nearby entities, and more.
  • Random Entity Selection: Set the spawn weights for entities to add unpredictability to your gameplay. The plugin will select entities randomly based on these weights.
  • Worldwide Customization: Customize spawners for all biomes across all world dimensions, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience.
  • Grid Block Inclusion: To enable the Spawner Support feature, be sure to add the SPAWNER block to your world.txt, world_nether.txt, or world_the_end.txt configuration in the SkygridBlocks folder. The Spawner code won't be called unless the SPAWNER block is added.
  • Biome-Specific Spawners: Customize spawners for specific biomes at the block level, adding a new layer of customization. For example, if you specify the biome as "DEEP_DARK," you can configure spawners to spawn WARDEN entities exclusively in that biome.

How to Use:
  1. Update your plugin to the latest version.
  2. Configure Spawners: Open the SpawnerSettings.yml file located in the plugin's folder.
  3. Customize Settings: Define the settings for each spawner in the configuration file, specifying the entity, delay, max nearby entities, and more. You can use either of the following YML formatting styles, and they will both be read the same by the YML parser:
Code (YAML):
# The available entities for use can be found at
# The available biomes can be found here:
# Entities - Define entities and their chances of being chosen for the spawner. Formatting "- DOLPHIN:33.33"
# Biomes -  List the biomes where this spawner will spawn. Formatting "- BEACH"
# Delay: - Set the spawner's delay. If set to -1, the delay will be randomized (randomly choose a delay between min and max spawn delays).
# MaxNearbyEntities - Set the maximum nearby entities (of the same type) allowed. Default value is 16.
# MaxSpawnDelay - The maximum spawn delay amount (in ticks). This value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to MaxSpawnDelay. Default value is 800 ticks.
# MinSpawnDelay - The minimum spawn delay amount (in ticks). Default value is 200 ticks.
# PlayerRange - Set the range for player activation (given that there are players online). Default value is 16.
# SpawnCount - Set how many mobs attempt to spawn. Default value is 4.
# SpawnRange - Set the radius around which the spawner will attempt to spawn mobs in. Default value is 4.
Example with Expanded Formatting:

Code (YAML):
   - SKELETON:100
    - ZOMBIE:100
      - FOREST
      - PLAINS
: -1
: 16
: 800
: 200
: 16
: 4
: 4

Example with Compact Formatting:

Code (YAML):
: [SKELETON:100, ZOMBIE:100 ]
: -1
: 16
: 800
: 200
: 16
: 4
: 4
In these examples, "Spawner1" can spawn both SKELETON and ZOMBIE entities with equal chances.

Random Entity Selection: Create a list of entities with associated spawn weights to add unpredictability to your spawners.

Code (YAML):
Entities : [SKELETON:10, ZOMBIE:10, CREEPER:5 ]
In this example, "SKELETON" and "ZOMBIE" have higher chances of being chosen for the spawner than "CREEPER."

With Spawner Support, you have the freedom to tailor your spawner settings to your liking. Enjoy the flexibility to customize spawners for all biomes across all world dimensions, making your Skygrid experience truly unique. Stay tuned for more updates, as I am working on additional features such as chest support. Your feedback and suggestions are highly valued as we continue to improve the plugin.
----------, Nov 3, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,845
First Release: Oct 12, 2023
Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
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