What's New in MelodyMine 1.3.0
Plugin Updates
✨ Call System Enhancement: In this release, we've introduced a call system to MelodyMine. You can now initiate calls with the new command /melodymine call start <player> for one person.
New Events
- PostAcceptCallEvent: This event is triggered after accepting a call.
- PostDenyCallEvent: This event is triggered after denying a call.
- PostEndCallEvent: This event is triggered after ending a call.
- PostPendingCallEndEvent: This event is triggered after ending a pending call.
- PostStartCallEvent: This event is triggered after starting a call.
- PostToggleCallEvent: This event is triggered after toggling call requests.
- PreAcceptCallEvent: This event is triggered before accepting a call.
- PreDenyCallEvent: This event is triggered before denying a call.
- PreEndCallEvent: This event is triggered before ending a call.
- PreEndPendingCallEvent: This event is triggered before ending a pending call.
- PreStartCallEvent: This event is triggered before starting a call.
- PreToggleCallEvent: This event is triggered before toggling call requests.
New Commands
- /melodymine call start : This command is used to initiate a call.
- /melodymine call end: This command is used to terminate a call.
- /melodymine call accept: This command is used to accept a call.
- /melodymine call deny: This command is used to deny a call.
- /melodymine call toggle: This command is used to toggle call requests.
New Permissions
- melodymine.call: This permission is required to access all call-related commands.
- melodymine.call.start: Required to start a call.
- melodymine.call.end: Required to end a call.
- melodymine.call.accept: Required to accept a call.
- melodymine.call.deny: Required to deny a call.
- melodymine.call.toggle: Required to toggle call requests.
New MelodyManager Methods
- ️ startCall: This method is used to initiate a call.
- ️ endCall: This method is used to end a call.
- ️ endPendingCall: This method is used to end a pending call.
- ️ acceptCall: This method is used to accept a call.
- ️ denyCall: This method is used to deny a call.
- ️ toggleCall: This method is used to toggle call requests.
New Placeholders
- %melodymine_call%: This placeholder displays the player currently in a call.
- %melodymine_pending_call%: This placeholder displays the player currently in a pending call.
⚙️ New config.yml Values
- ⚙️ content_header: This configuration option is for setting the message displayed at the top of all content.
- ⚙️ content_footer: This configuration option is for setting the message displayed at the bottom of all content.
- ⚙️ call-description: This configuration option is for setting the description of the /melodymine call command.
- ⚙️ call-pending-time: This configuration option is for setting the time for pending calls.
Website Updates
- Added reflection in the user list to enhance user profiles.
- Added Ice Server Support (Note: Currently, do not need IceServer).
Enjoy these updates and enhancements in MelodyMine 1.3.0, and have fun managing your calls and experiences!