- Added the option to enable and edit sounds the players will hear when selling something depending of the value.
- Added comments in the config to better explain the options.
New config.yml please adjust what you already have!
Code (YAML):
# Configuration for the Sell Stick
# Display name of the Sell Stick
"&dShop &8>> &bSell Stick"
# Lore (description) lines on the Sell Stick
"&7A special stick for &d/market"
"&7Use it to quickly sell chests and shulkers!"
- "&7Usage
# Maximum usage limit for the Sell Stick
max-usage: 20
# Material type of the Sell Stick
material: BLAZE_ROD
# Cooldown time (in minutes) for using the Sell Stick command
cooldown-command: 5
# Whether to display a title message on successful sale
title-message: true
# Configuration for the sounds played on successful sale
# Whether to enable sounds globally
enabled: true
# Sound configuration for low-value sales
# Type of sound to play
# Volume of the sound (0.0 to 1.0)
volume: 0.8
# Pitch of the sound (0.0 to 2.0)
pitch: 0.7
# Threshold value to classify sale as low-value
threshold: 1000
# Sound configuration for medium-value sales
volume: 0.8
pitch: 1.2
threshold: 5000
# Sound configuration for high-value sales
volume: 0.8
pitch: 1.0
threshold: 10000
# Configuration for the messages displayed to the user
# Message when a player receives a Sell Stick
received_sell_stick: "&dShop &8>> &bYou have received a Sell Stick!
# Message when the configuration is reloaded successfully
config_reloaded: "&aThe configuration has been reloaded!
# Message when a player does not have the required permission
no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command.
# Message when a player tries to sell from an empty container
container_empty: "&dShop &8>> &7The container is empty.
# Message when a player reaches the sell limit for an item
sell_limit_reached: "&dShop &8>> &7Sell limit reached for &d
%s&7. Check the /market for the restock time."
# Message when a player's Sell Stick reaches maximum usage
"&cYour Sell Stick has reached maximum usage and has been removed!"
# Message when a player tries to use a stack of Sell Sticks
"&cYou cannot use a stack of Sell Sticks. Please separate them."
# Message when a player sells items successfully
"&dShop &8>> &7You sold &d<ITEMS> &7for &d€<PRICE>."
# Message when a player tries to use the command while it's on cooldown
"&cPlease wait %d minutes before using this command again."
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