Pozoj's Mechanization Skript [1.21] icon

Pozoj's Mechanization Skript [1.21] -----

The script utilizes machines for harvesting crops, chopping trees, mining ores and much more.

Update 1.3 (Tree Auto Farm)
  • The Tree Farm has been added
  • The Growth Accelerator can now be used on oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak saplings
  • The system for fueling machines has been reworked and now functions as intended
  • Only one Quarry is allowed per player
  • From now on, the dispenser must have the required material in its inventory in order to be able to create a machine when placing a chest
  • The material required to create a teleporter has been changed. From now on, 3 blocks are used, each from a different dimension



The Tree Farm will automatically plant and harvest all saplings in a 17x17 area around it (depending on the sapling). It uses Redstone as a fuel.

The Tree Farm is created by placing a chest above a horizontally facing Dispenser while the player is sneaking. The Farm must contain a Redstone, an observer, and a netherite axe before a chest is placed down. The saplings can be added to the dispenser afterward. The saplings for planting must be located in the chest above the dispenser.

Upgrades can be added to the machine. First, the Netherite Upgrade Smithing template must be added, and then a block of any wool for the machine to operate silently
----------, Aug 19, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,167
First Release: Aug 13, 2023
Last Update: Sep 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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