Vanilla Hunger Games icon

Vanilla Hunger Games -----

Hunger Games minigame with classes - Great addition for when you're bored in an SMP

Fixes and Balancing
- Fixed Scoreboard disappearing after 1st match
- Fixed Cultist thing (secret)
- Enabled the "/hgclass" command to not take an argument and it'll tell the player what class they are
- Now when a tournament starts, a random class is assigned to players who didn't select a class
- Selecting a class can be done with a prefix of the class name
- Nerfed PersonalSpaceGuy vertical knockback
- Fixed issue where compass doesn't work for the 1st participant
- Added ToolTip to the arsonist's blazepowder
- Nerfed Assassin - instead of perma-invisibility, the assassin has an item they can use to be temporarily invisible
- Fixed issue where Ninja's dash attack didn't do damage to Non-Player entities
- Fixed issue where Spectators could trigger Trapper blocks
----------, Aug 31, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 720
First Release: Aug 9, 2023
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings