- Removed broadcast premade (unnecessary feature)
- Remodeled configuration file structure
- Expanded modular options (all those who disable a lot of TChat options will save a lot of performance with this new version)
- AutoBroadcast code optimized
- Removed only player for list command
- Fixed bypass permission in anti advertising (signs)
- Optimized joins code
- Fixed an error when you use %tchat_tag% withouth tags
- Added %mentioned% placeholder in all mention messages, titles, etc...
- Fixed /seen command (not working correctly)
- Fixed /nick command (the same as seen)
- Removed a depuration message in groups system
- Now the commands are registered by CommandMap and not by plugin.yml, that is to say that now when you deactivate a command, it will not be registered as before.
- Removed rules, print, and other commands (now works in the commands.yml)
- Spigot version updated to 1.21.3
- Updated Spigot page