- Added key words actions in chat games (change your config, add [WRITE] before all the keywords)
- Added [ANNOUNCEMENT] tag in Custom Commands
- Added discord module in Banned Words system
- Added %tchat_ignore_list% placeholder
- Added %center% placeholder for menu title (chatcolor)
- Removed no-games messages from chat games
- Fixed /showitem command
- Fixed [item] chat placeholder
- Fixed Death Messages options
- Added [DEBUG] tag in Custom Commands
- Added /autobroadcast toggle command
- Added chat radius chat placeholders
- Fixed /ignore all command
- Optimized /ignore command code
- Optimized chat cooldown code
- Fixed an error writing while in chat cooldown
- Fixed error finding debug message in chat cooldown
- Fixed an error writing "%" in the chat (or any message containing % character)
- Updated wiki
4.2.1 -> 4.2.2
Update files:
commands.yml (optional, add comments)
Messages file