⭐GradientPlus⭐Gradient Chat & Gradient Name⭐UI-Based icon

⭐GradientPlus⭐Gradient Chat & Gradient Name⭐UI-Based -----

Transform your chat with mesmerizing color gradients and seamless compatibility with color codes.


Main Menu

Chat Menu

Name Menu
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GradientPlus is a Minecraft plugin that revolutionizes player customization:

Key Features:
  • Create vibrant gradient-colored messages and player names
  • Intuitive GUI for easy color customization
  • Support for rainbow colors and hex color codes
  • Showcase items alongside colorful chat messages
  • Use multiple color gradients in a single message
  1. What makes GradientPlus unique?
    It allows you to create text messages using an incredible range of hex colors, not limited to basic colors. You can infuse your messages with captivating gradients.

  2. How do I use GradientPlus's gradients in my messages?
    It's simple! Just use your desired hex color codes in chat. The plugin will automatically transition between colors, creating eye-catching gradients in your chat.

  3. Can I still use Minecraft's native color codes with GradientPlus?
    Absolutely! GradientPlus seamlessly integrates with Minecraft's existing color system, allowing you to combine gradients with standard chat formatting.

  4. Can I showcase items alongside colored chat messages? Yes, GradientPlus harmoniously integrates with item showcasing, allowing you to display items with your colorful messages.

  5. How many colors can I use in a single message? With GradientPlus, you can use an incredible number of hex colors to craft your messages. The limit is as endless as your imagination!
This plugin enhances visual communication and player expression in Minecraft, offering a user-friendly way to create stunning, colorful in-game text.

gradient, asteroid, afkrewards, gradientplus, colors, color, colorchat, color chat
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 128
First Release: Aug 1, 2023
Last Update: Jan 28, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings