/gradient clear <chat/title> <user>
New features:
- You can now force open gui for players /gradient <chat/name> (player name)
- You can now disable hdb from being used as icons, config.yml use_hdb: false
- Override commands not being executed on main.yml
- Inventories would cause a bug if they were opened by multiple people
Hex Colors in Chat:
- If players have the new permission "gradient.gradientcolor" they will be able to use for e.g. "heyy &#ffffffhii" where hii will be white
Ignore Default colors:
- It ignores the "default" colors inside default_colors section so it doesn't color their chat at all or name too
- Make sure you add this inside your config.yml "ignore_default_colors: false"
Colors would get reset after a restart
Instead of using for e.g. COSMIC_FUSION you can simply use COSMIC FUSION without _
Events would be registered multiple times after reload causing the x after any message
Events would be registered multiple times after reload causing the x after any message
Fixed placeholders not taking into account formatting + error on new player join
Console error after trying to clear the colors
That's right! A new gui item appeared... FORMATS + a new config file formats.yml. Make sure to update your main.yml accordingly.
Override items can now execute commands on click!
Fixed ignored_words_in_the_beginning
New features:
- Toggle filter for chat and name
- %gradient_{chatKyori}%
- %gradient_{chatKyoriHexes}%
- Added new %gradient_{chatCCR}% -> chatcontrolred support
- Ignored words
- /gradient chat/name set (error)
New features:
- GUI is A LOT more customizable
- Custom Model Data Support
- Set different colors for chat/name
- Added disable_chat_listener
- New placeholders (**%gradient_{chatKyori}%**, **%gradient_{chat}%** and **%gradient_{chatKyoriHexes}%**)
- Added new messages (inside guis)
- Better default GUI message/design
- Added settings just for chat/name
Bug fixes:
- When not showing the default colors, the gui would be buggy
# Doesn't show the colors that are inside default_colors
dont_show_default_colors: false
- Fixed gradient.color not working on single colors
New features:
- If the chat feature is turned off, then the chat won't be colored automatically
- Added a new option in config (placeholders section)
# For example, if you want to use nicknames and use other colors such as &7, etc.
# GradientPlus will detect if there's any & inside the display name and will not color it gradient
let_plugins_override: false
New features:
- 1.20.6 Support
- Added new placeholder: %gradient_{chat}% (as a workaround for chat control red)
Some of the bugs that have been fixed include:
- Placeholder breaking on /papi reload
- Error thrown whenever a player joined the server (1.20.4+)
- Not really a bug, but made a lot more asynchronous operations to ensure performance
New features:
- Head Database Support! (Just replace the material name with a hdb id)
- New option "keep_color_when_ignoring_beginning_words" -> e.g. when you type #hi it wont show any color, if it's set to true #hi will work as usual and also make the chat colored
- New option "ignored_words", yes !! Item support too, you can put inside it whatever u want to be ignored: [item],
, etc.
- GUI Overrides, if you want to make your gui look better you can force override blocks over them: (main was just shown that you can ignore them)
position: 38
material: WHITE_WOOL
title: "White wool!??!"
lore: [ ]
position: 38
material: BLACK_WOOL
title: "Black wool?!?"
lore: [ ]
main: {}
position: 1
material: YELLOW_WOOL
title: "Yellow wool!??!"
lore: [ ]
Bugs fixed:
- Optimization issues (now it's A LOT faster)
- Some errors with beginning words
New features:
- Added new placeholders:
-> %gradient_(text)% makes the text in the player's gradient
-> %gradient_(color)_(text)% makes the text in the specified color (from colors section)
-> %gradient_{playerName}% makes the player's name gradient (sometimes some plugins might not accept %gradientdisplayname%
- Added new GUI change ability:
row_size: 2
colors_per_row: 5
first_index: 20
- Added button to clear for each section:
position: 4
material: END_CRYSTAL
title: "&cClear your current chat color."
- "&7Go back to the default chat color."
The long awaited update is here!
New features:
- Whole config remade
- Whole GUI is now configurable
- Everything supports PlaceholderAPI
- Added multiple languages
- Multiple default colors + priorities
-> Permission for this is gradient.default.(default color)
- Clear gradient for main + name/chat GUI
- Small performance optimizations
- Config organization + categories
Bugs fixed:
- Sometimes if the color was null in your name/chat you would get "null" at the beginning of the text
- When authenticating the license, if our server was down the server would crash
- Inside ignore words... if you were using a word bigger than 1 character it gradientplus wouldn't work
- Everyone can use the command /gradientplus delall (now only admins who have gradient.admin)
- When selecting colors, if the server was a bit laggy you were able to select multiple colors at once resulting in an error
- Other bug fixes which I don't remember atm
We've finally migrated our licensing system to a new one!
Licensing system host's ip has been changed. Use this plugin version in order to make it work again, otherwise it won't work at all.
Bugs fixed:
- Name GUI preview not working
- Sometimes the plugin would break out of nowhere is color selection was spammed
- Before you couldn't change icons, for example if you had gray wool and selected the gray wool you would get lime icon every time
- Some optimization issues
- Debug prints removed
- Added this inside config: "chat_transfer_concurrency" which if made false, in some cases there should be no chat delay
Bug fixes:
- Second page didn't work, now it works
- If you had more than 1 page in the name section it would redirect you to the CHAT section
- Possible errors when selecting colors now fixed
* Sometimes the message sent from chat to placeholder would break, now it should be fully fixed
* Removed the placeholder %toastedcolors% and use_placeholder from config.yml
* Optimized how everything works ensuring %gradientchat% now fully gets the latest message sent by the player and other minor optimizations
- removed the spam of whenever a player sent a chat message
- you can now execute the set color command from console
U can now use nicknames more easily from placeholders with the new following format:
enabled: false
placeholder: "%essentials_nickname%" # put any placeholder that you use for nick and it will be transformed into gradient
Also, new placeholder %gradientchat% to show the chat with gradient rather than the normal format {message}
Now players can't use &7 &6 anytime they want, u gotta give them gradient.color
If you have the permission gradient.admin, you can use the following command
/gradientplus <chat:name> set <color> <player ign>
Now, every time a player types something with a GradientPlus color, it will verify their permission, if they don't have it, then they won't be able to write with the GradientPlus color.
* direct opening to the GUIs
* now players won't be able to see inside the tab completer the disabled options (name/chat)
* cached a few variables for better performance
New placeholder: %gradientdisplayname%
Before, if u were to put just 1 color as a list you would get [] before the actual color
Everything is now configurable. You can now either choose to use chat or title.
Sometimes the userdata wouldn't create after a plugin restart
New features:
* Reloading system
* Interactive GUI for all players
* You can now also change NAME gradient color, not only chat
* Dynamic GUI algorithm to check selected, unselected and no permission icons
* Licensing
Minecraft colors codes work again! Yuppy ^-^
&4, &5, etc.
Also, inside config.yml in case u using staffchat or smth, you can add words that will be verified at the beginning of each sentence
words_to_be_ignored_in_beginning: # good for when using staff chat, if the admin says # something, it won't color anything, it will ignore it
- "#"