Vouchers+ | V1.1.1
Vouchers+ V1.1.1 implements Minecraft V1.21 support, confirmation messages, PAPI command support, and bug fixes!
1. Minecraft V1.21 Support: Whilst a number of users had already been using Vouchers+ on V1.21, this update increases stability and confirms full support for Minecraft V1.21
2. Confirmation Messages: New Configs and Messages files will benefit from fully customisable confirmation messages for using vouchers.
This was a popularly requested feature by the community and allows you to make users confirm the use of a voucher with an in-game interactive chat message.
By default this is set to false.
3. PAPI Command Support: It was brought to my attention by a member of the community that commands did not accept PAPI placeholders prior to this version. This update addresses that and implements full support for PAPI placeholders in reward commands!
4. Additional Bug Fixes
Note: As always, new updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!