Vouchers+ | V1.0.7
Vouchers+ V1.0.7 introduces a new method to track your voucher statistics as well as some bug fixes and standard bStats features.
1. Updated statistics monitoring: Servers will now record the running count for how many times a voucher has been given and how many times it has been used.
You can access live statistics for any voucher using:
/voucher stats <VoucherID>
We're paving the way to implement anti-dupe features in a future version!
2. Added some important bug fixes to keep your plugin running smoothly!
Note: As always, new updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!