Ahora literalmente me sincerare el AdvancedMobsArena no funciona ni en 1.21.x, el plugin Dungeons es muy inferior.... Desde que comente este comentario yo puedes tener seguirdad de que es 1 plugin estable y que literalmente supero a su competencia si es que existiera dicha competencia..
You are welcome!
It is not difficult for me to add what is necessary for the users <3
Version: 1.3.8
Amazing plugin with great potential. I downloaded back in July when it first released and been using it since. This paired with crazy envoys is amazing to keep your server active and alive
I haven't fully figured out exactly what the problem is, but I'll try to fix it. If you have any other problems or questions, I am waiting for you in our discord
Version: 1.3.3
This is a beauty of a plugin. I thank life for allowing me to find this plugin.
An idea for a next update. You could add placeholders that show the remaining time for a dungeon to reappear. Similar to CrazyEnvoys placeholders. It would be nice to have something like that. But your plugin is wonderful <3
OMG.This is one of the best plugins I've ever seen. It would be nice if you could add a function that executes teleportation instructions so I can make a relic portal.