CommandsManager [1.8 - 1.21.4] | [MySQL] | [Custom Cooldowns] | [Custom Delays] | [Custom Costs] icon

CommandsManager [1.8 - 1.21.4] | [MySQL] | [Custom Cooldowns] | [Custom Delays] | [Custom Costs] -----

Blocks, Adds a Cooldown and Adds a Delay with Cost to any Command.

1.3 Update
- Added a new Action to send JSONMessages:
Code (YAML):
[JSON_MESSAGE ] Message - Sends a jsonmessage to the player.
The JSONMessage must be written between ' '.
Code (YAML):
- ' [JSON_MESSAGE ] [ "", { "text": "%prefix% ", "hoverEvent": { "action": "show_text", "value": "%command_name% can''t be executed." } }, { "text": "%command_name%", "color": "yellow", "hoverEvent": { "action": "show_text", "value": "%command_name% can''t be executed." } }, { "text": " ", "hoverEvent": { "action": "show_text", "value": "%command_name% can''t be executed." } }, { "text": "can''t be executed", "underlined":true, "color": "dark_red", "hoverEvent": { "action": "show_text", "value": "%command_name% can''t be executed." } } ]'
To generate JSONMessages, I recommend using this site:

- Removed the Built In Placeholder:
Code (Text):
----------, Aug 10, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,198
First Release: Jul 9, 2023
Last Update: Jan 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings