Betterchat, A Orginal chat plguin! Betterchat has been created for servers to manage their chat! We have the features such as ChatManage Systems, ChatGames, Custom Channels & much more!
Try our plugin out for free!
Betterchat V2.2.0 Is a open source code feel free to use the open source!
PlaceHolderAPI Yes, We are supporting placeholders in every single message our plugin shows to the players! We are working to even add placeholders to menu's & other cool features!
Sync Commands Sync commands easily with /synccmd {server} {command}
You can add as many servers as you want!
Sync Chats Sync chats easily with our config files! Add as many chats as you want!
Create permissions chats, certain worlds chats & global chats!
Synced world chats only works too! Create synced world chats easily with the ChatSettings.yml file & add other servers in Settings.yml!
#The #1 Chat Plugin! #Found out more information about BetterChat on the github! #
enabled: true
bypassperm: BetterChat.Moderation.Antiswear.Bypass
Blacklisted_Words: - Your
- Words
- Here
enabled: true
bypassperm: BetterChat.Moderation.Antispam.Bypass
cooldown: 3
allow-double-message: false
Formats: #HoverMessages, Use \n for a new message! HoverMessage:
Enabled: true
Layout: "&cRank: %luckperms_prefix% \nWorld: %betterchat_worldname%" Suggest_Command: "/msg {clickedname}" MSG_format:
Enabled: true
Target: "&a{sender} &f> &aYou &b> &f" Sender: "&aYou &f> &a{target} &b> &f" First_Join_Event:
Enabled: true
Commands: - say
%player_name% joined the server for the first time! - eco give
%player_name% 100 Join_format:
Enabled: true
Format: "&a%player_name% &fJoined the server!" Quit_format:
Enabled: true
Format: "&a%player_name% &fLeft the server!" BroadCastEvents:
Enabled: true
Interval: 2
Motd: -
"&7--={ Welcome On the server! }==--" -
"&7" -
"&7This is a pre-made message when a player joins the server!" -
"&7You can edit this in ./plugins/betterchat/Settings.yml" -
"&7" -
"&7PlaceHolders & Hex Colors are supported!" -
"&7Thanks for using my plugin!" Auto_Broadcast:
BroadcastPrefix: "&b&lBetterChat » " Enabled: true
Header_And_Footer: true
Interval: 120
Prefix: "&7[&bBetterchat&7] " Header: "&7*&7---==+==---&7*" Footer: "&7*&7---==+==---&7*" Messages: -
"&7You are currently playing with %server_online% players!" -
"&7Plugin created by Kloppie74" -
"&7Change this message in ./plugins/betterchat/Settings.yml"
default-channel: default
Worlds: "[]"#use `[]` if no World is required! [] without `` Will cause plugin errors! Servers: "[]"#use `[]` if no Server will get this message! Permissions:
Format: "Default %player_name%: {message}" keybind: "#Default:" Gui:
Gui: PublicGui
Slot: 10
Displayname: "&b&lDefault" Lores: -
"Click to enter default chat!" - "Permissions:
" overworld: Worlds: - world Servers: "[]" Permissions: Format: "Overworld
%betterchat_worldname% %player_name%: {message}" keybind: "#Overworld:" Gui:
Gui: WorldsGui
Slot: 11
Displayname: "&a&lOverworld" Lores: -
"Click to enter default chat!" - "Permissions:
" servers: Worlds: "[]" Servers: - Lobby - Lobby2 Permissions: Format: "Server
}%player_name%: {message}" keybind: "#Servers:" Gui:
Gui: ServersGui
Slot: 11
Displayname: "&a&lServers" Lores: -
"Click to enter servers chat!" - "Permissions:
" servers2: #The servers that receive the message will now only send the message to the world: world! Worlds: - world Servers: - Lobby - Lobby2 Permissions: Format: "Server2
}%betterchat_worldname% %player_name%: {message}" keybind: "#Servers2:" Gui:
Gui: CustomGui
Slot: 12
Displayname: "&a&lServers Overworld Only" Lores: -
"Click to enter servers chat!" - "Permissions:
BetterChat Features!
ChatManager Always issued with having spammers? We have an anti-spam built in System!
BetterChat Support aswell Anti-Swear & Some few more ChatManager Systems!
A Fresh Welcome to our server! Give players a fresh welcome to our server with the support of join motd, First join rewards, Automatic broadcastes & more!
ChatGames to have fun! Our developers worked hard on this feature to give Betterchat
V3.0 a ChatGame Feature!
These chatgames contains »
Random Words &
Reactions (Type as fast as possible something random that has been given by the chatgame!)
ChatGames can be disabled individuel or just completely!
Permissions: BetterChat.* (All permissions)
BetterChat.msg (Msg a player)
BetterChat.reply (Reply on a msg)
BetterChat.commands.* (all Commands permissions) (Help Command)
BetterChat.commands.update (Update the plugin files!)
BetterChat.commands.reload (Reload the plugin!)
BetterChat.commands.about (Get the about pop-up)
Custom BetterChat Permissions can be given thru ChatChannels.yml!
#The #1 Chat Plugin! #Found out more information about BetterChat on the github! # # #----------==[ BetterChat Algorithm ]==---------- #Algorithm will provide auto broadcastes focused on player chats! #Example: A player is chatting a lot about rules, #The Broadcast will send a message about rules for this player! #Every player has his own Algorithm!
#Algorithm, A auto broadcast system on a different way! Algorithm:
Enabled: true
Interval: 120
Categories: - Rules
- Store
- Discord
#Triggers! #The algorithm categories how they are triggered! Triggers:
Words: - Rules
- hacker
- ban
Words: - store
- buycraft
- rank
Words: - discord
- discordlink
#Algorithm Categories! #Algorithm Messages for certain Categories! Categories:
Messages: -
"&7A cool Algorithm System build by &bBetterPlugins!" -
"&7Join our official discord with /betterchat about!" -
"&7Change this message in Algorithm.yml!" Header: "A Cool Header Message!" Footer: "A Cool Footer Message!" Store:
Messages: -
"&7A cool Algorithm System build by &bBetterPlugins!" -
"&7Join our official discord with /betterchat about!" -
"&7Change this message in Algorithm.yml!" Header: "A Cool Header Message!" Footer: "A Cool Footer Message!" Discord:
Messages: -
"&7A cool Algorithm System build by &bBetterPlugins!" -
"&7Join our official discord with /betterchat about!" -
"&7Change this message in Algorithm.yml!" Header: "A Cool Header Message!" Footer: "A Cool Footer Message!"
Code (YAML):
#MSG Format MSG_Format:
msg_command_unknown: "&cTry /msg <username> <message>!" msg_player_not_found: "&cPlayer not found!" msg_not_a_player: "&cOnly Players can use this command!" msg_player_is_target: "&cYou can not msg yourself!" msg_target_offline: "&cTarget is offline!" msg_reply_null: "&cNobody Msged you!" #AntiSwear & #AntiSpam! Moderator:
Double_message: "&cHey! Do not spam the same message multiple times!" Cooldown: "&cHey! You have to wait {seconds} more time to send a message again!" Antiswear: "&cHey! You are not allowed to say &4&l{blocked}" #Commands & Subcommands Commands:
No_permissions: "&cHey! You dont have the permission for this (sub) command!" #Reload Format Reload:
Reload_files: "&aYou successfully reloaded all the files!" #CustomChannels! #All channels use the same message setup! #Placeholder: {channel} Will be replaced with players New/Current/Switched channelname! CustomChannel:
switch_message: "&aYou Successfully switched to the channel: {channel}" no_permission: "&cYou do not have permissions for channel {channel}!"