CraftGPT icon

CraftGPT -----

Infinite characters and conversations with AI!

Version: 0.2.13
It allows you to chat with creatures in Minecraft easily. And it can be translated into different languages.

Version: 0.2.10
Does everything you want from a plugin like this, even got local model/oobabooga support sorted after talking with the dev, works with modded mobs if you are using a setup like Arclight.

Version: 0.2.9
my server's 1.20.1 now [latest version] this plugin is forever a thing of beauty!!

Version: 0.2.7
Absolutely amazing plugin! Perfect to make your server have more personalities, nice and patient creator aswell.

Version: 0.2.2
This plugin is just great!

Very easy and customizable. Would highly recommend!

Have been using it for a while and works just great, no bugs so far.

Version: 0.1.17
this plugin is a thing of beauty.

The person who made this possible is criminally underrated. I use it on my 1.16 server and it works fine with no problems after changing the API to 1.16 in the config of the jar file, a friend of mine changed the wand from spyglass to golden_hoe for me to enjoy the plugin on my 1.16 server :D

It's becoming a reality now because the plugin dev listened to me instantly, so many other people like me have their servers on older versions of the game too.

Version: 0.1.17
Nice plugin. However, since each request with the API key will incur a cost, it cannot be used intensively. That's unfortunate :(

Version: 0.1.13
I love the plugin! From my perspective, there are a few things that could be made configurable, but overall the idea is brilliant! It has been working flawlessly so far!

Version: 0.1.12
If it can connect OpenAI with system proxy ,it will be better!
China region cannot connect OpenAI without proxy!
Author's response
Proxy support as of version 0.1.16!

Version: 0.1.12
I rarely do reviews, but this guys work is unreal!
Fast support and listens to suggestions, keep up the good work mate!

Version: 0.1.8
This is, hands down, my favorite plugin!!!
Thank you so much for creating this! Your instructions are super helpful and wasy to follow! Wow! Just wow!!!

Version: 0.1.5
Fire! Worthy of 7 stars. Very innovative and at the front of the bell curve /adoption. LOVE IT!

Version: 0.1.5
so interesting, let the animals speak their minds, looking forward to more of your plugins

Version: 0.1.5
Una idea MagNíFiCa Para PoDeR saCar parTiDo a ChatGPT en Minecraft.
Estoy RealMenTe EmoCionaDo Por La apaRiCióN De Est3 PluGin, El Cual Ya Está En mi Mundo Loco ProBánDose.
Muy aGraDeCiDo al CreaDor y Muy AtenTO Para FutuRas actuaLIzaCionEs :D

Version: 0.1.2
Excellent proof of concept. Excited to see where this goes, the potential is absolutely immense.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,315
First Release: Jun 20, 2023
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings