This version includes breaking config, feature update, please read this changelog carefully.
Breaking change: display-item section.
Removed display-item.<buy or sell times> section support.
Removed auto use products.<first product ID> section as display item feature. You have to enable option in config.yml to use another feature which will auto pick one real product as display item if your products didn't set display-item section.
Added display item format.
Added display-item-conditions option.
Players who meet different conditions can display different items.
Added new actions:
Moved send-messages-after-buy option from config.yml to shop configs.
Improved placeholder condition.
Added *= check symbol, which means placeholder is not equal with specified value.
Added *!= check symbol, which means placeholder is not contains value string.
Now =,>,>=,<,<= check symbol supports decimal.
Fixed buy/sell cooldown get resetted after play rejoin server.
Added new error catcher: invalid menu. When you set invalid menu name in shop configs, plugin will auto generate a default menu for players instead of print errors in console.
Now display-item option in shop product configs is no longer required.