MythicAnnouncer | MythicMobs Add-on icon

MythicAnnouncer | MythicMobs Add-on -----

Displays spawn time holos and announces MythicMob spawning, death and despawning events.

A plugin that displays holograms above MythicMobs spawners indicating the time remaining to spawn (useful for bosses) and announces mob spawning, death and despawning events.​

  • Adds an hologram above a MythicMobs spawner with the remaining Warmup time to spawn (if it has been configured and enabled in the config) and you can add a head at either the first or last line of the hologram with the skin you like.
  • Announce in chat with a sound effect when a MythicMobs mob spawns, disappears and dies (if it has been configured and enabled in the config). It supports multiple worlds so you can choose in which world the announcement will be sent.
  • You can add multiple MythicMobs mob types and turn each feature on or off for each type in the config.
  • You can choose to show in chat the ranking of the players who did the most damage to a certain mob (only for death events).
  • You can enable the reward system for each type of MythicMob's mob, allowing the execution of 1 or more commands for the first three players who dealt the most damage to a mob.
  • You can enable the Discord Webhook for every event and every type of MythicMobs to send the notification also in your discord channels.
  • You can use also PlaceholderAPI's placeholder %mythicannouncer_spawnername% to show the remaining seconds to spawn of an active spawner or %mythicannouncer_spawnername_formatted% to show the seconds in a formatted style (HH:mm:SS). (install PlaceholderAPI to use it).
  • /mythicannouncer reload | Reload the config
  • mythicannouncer.admin | Players with this perm will be able to reload the config and receive new updates notification.
  • mythicannouncer.notify.* | Players with this permission can receive every notification in chat.
  • mythicannouncer.notify.spawn | Players with this permission can receive every spawn notification in chat.
  • mythicannouncer.notify.despawn | Players with this permission can receive every despawn notification in chat.
  • mythicannouncer.notify.death | Players with this permission can receive every death notification in chat.
  • custom permission for each type of MythicMobs and for each event customizable in the config (if you wanna enable notifications only for certain mobs use these custom permissions instead of the global ones)
For any problems or ideas feel free to contact me privately.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,376
First Release: Jun 18, 2023
Last Update: Aug 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings