Nexo Support | PlaceholderAPI Support & Plugin Placeholders | Crop Animation
Update Logs ➕ New Block Support - Added compatibility for Nexo blocks. ( Not Crops )
➕ PlaceholderAPI Integration - Now supports PlaceholderAPI.
➕ Custom Placeholders - Introduced customizable placeholders for enhanced functionality.
(list is available on our wiki)
➕ Crop Animation Feature - Added a unique crop regeneration animation. When a crop is set to regenerate as fully grown, it visually grows from age 0 to its maximum age, creating a dynamic and engaging effect.
➕ Added %x% %y% %z% %world% in block commands - Allows you to use commands that act on the location (e.g., spawn particles).
This is a beta release. Please report any bugs or performance issues on our Discord: []