PyroFarming [1.14.X - 1.21.X] icon

PyroFarming [1.14.X - 1.21.X] -----

Plant custom plants, bushes, and become the ultimate farmer on your server.

Skill Archive
The ‘farm_skills_main_menu.yml' file will need resetting in order for the Skill Archive to function in this update.

Note: More skills are planned, and will be added in the coming updates.

- Added a 1 second timeout to the adjustment ticker to prevent server hangs. (possible fix for an issue - unable to recreate).
- Added categories to the skill archive.
- Added arrows to the skill archive to show which paths you can take.
- Added in loads of new skills that you can unlock and use.
- Added in translation for vanilla items used in the composter crafting menu.
- Added in a bunch of missing translation in the codex and market menus.

General Changes:
- Re-enabled the skill archive.
- Slightly nerfed the Growth Speed Upgrade
- Water Upgrade in the Growstation now gives 450 per level instead of 300.
- Running ‘/farm placeditems’ will now remove invalid growstations, and bushes, assuming you are in the chunk they were removed.
- Formatted some numbers in the skill tree menu to look nicer.
- [Optimisation / Possible Crash Fix] Changed some methods around to ignore unloaded Skill Trees during block checks causing issues.
- [Optimisation] Changed the startup object cleaner to run async to not hang the main thread when starting the server.
- [Optimisation] Cleaned up and heavily reduced the amount of completablefutures that are executed while inside of the Growstation Menu, from 8/s to 2/s.

- Fixed a server crash relating to adding too much experience to yourself.
- Fixed being able to plant high level crops in your friends Growstations, allowing them to harvest them for more XP and Elysium. You can now only plant crops up-to the level of your friends farming level in their Growstations.
- Fixed a console message in the farm shop not formatting colours.
- Fixed an issue in the Growstation Main Menu where custom model data was not persisting on the ‘Growing’ stage with the seed.
- Fixed an issue with the Growstation Main Menu where some of the core items would not be populated into the GUI and loaded. It will now always load the items, and if something breaks, the items will remain.
- Fixed plants that produced multiple items only giving XP for the first item created, and nothing else.
- Fixed Bushes being able to be blown up by Creepers.
- Fixed an error that could happen during tournaments when breaking sugarcane.
- Fixed Melon, Pumpking and Cocoa Beans tournaments not working.
- Fixed further issues relating to the Skill Archive.
- Fixed an issue with breaking bushes and them not cancelling the event properly.
- Fixed some possible issues by adding in some bypass checks for unloaded or invalid worlds.
----------, Jul 31, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 304
First Release: Jul 2, 2023
Last Update: Nov 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings