PyroFarming [1.14.X - 1.21.X] icon

PyroFarming [1.14.X - 1.21.X] -----

Plant custom plants, bushes, and become the ultimate farmer on your server.

Fixes + Balancing


- This patch requires multiple file resets. This should however, be the last time you will need to reset anything. I have taken the time to delay this patch to ensure everything is in one to avoid multiple resets in the future.
- The Skill Tree has been disabled until the next patch. (Will be released in a few days maximum).
- Elysium gain and XP gain is not fully balanced yet. I am doing a test run to see how it preforms. (Changing these values will not require file resets in the future either).

Below are the files that I STRONGLY advise to reset to give your players the best experience possible:
- ‘/Plants’
- ‘/Bushes’
- 'customitems.yml'
- 'messages.yml'

Optional: 'config.yml'

Not doing this will lead to an unbalanced experience, missing information, and possible issues. I will not help you to fix these if you choose to not update.


- Added the other tournament types to the base tournaments.yml. If you are only having potato tournaments start, you will need to add the new ones to your file. (See pastebin link A)
- Added Melon, Pumpkin and Cocoa Bean tournament types.
- Added a new config option to require the player to be sneaking in order to break their Growstation (true by default).
- Added a new config option that allows players to plant seeds in growstations if they shift-click on them while holding a seed (true by default).
- Added the Water Level of Growstations into the NBT tags, so if you break a Growstation, it will retain it’s Water Level when placed back down.
- Added a message that is sent to the player when each growstation finishes growing.
- Added statistic tracking for vanilla crops. (Not visible currently - will be making these placeholders soon).
- Added the discount percentage from the Rotating Market into the config.
- Added a 5% XP Bonus to bushes/plants that are exclusive items.
- Added “xp_multiplier” as a field for plants.
- Added some new plants. Some plants give bonus XP but less money, or the opposite.
- Added the time to grow each item (past the initial first), to the lore of certain plants that grow more than one item.
- Added the amount of Farming XP each plant will give you into the lore of the plant.
- Added the amount of Farming XP each bush will give you into the lore of the bush.
- Added a new “Average XP” filter option to the codex and market menu.
- Added in the missing locale from the Skill Tree, and cleared up the warnings that appeared when opening it in console.
- Added placeholders to the CustomItem lore in the messages.yml, which will allow them to auto-update if they are ever changed in values. i.e. range.
- Added a new “Name Prefix” to all plants and bushes to make them more distinguishable. This will especially be helpful when crops are released.

General Changes:
- Disabled the Skill Tree until the next patch. I have not finished fully balancing it yet, but need to get this patch out.
- Refunded 10,000 Elysium for every upgrade the player had in their skills. (More resets may be present in future updates if balancing requires it).
- Changed “/farm giveseed <plant> <player> <amount>” to now be “/farm giveseed <plant/bush/crop/etc..> <name> <player> <amoune”. This is to condense existing commands, and to support future additions.
- Removed “/farm givebush” command. (use “/farm giveseed”)
- Changed the required levels to craft the Water Golems from 40/60/95 to 35/55/75 respectively.
- Changed the items required to craft certain custom items to be more diverse, and balanced overall.
- Slightly nerfed the water golems. They used to be 5/10/15, and they are now 4/8/12 respectively.
- Changed the growth speed multiplier calculation.
- Balanced everything in the plugin. From buy/sell prices, to money per minute, to xp per minute. Everything should be neatly aligned and balanced.
- The ‘Growstation Full of Water’ message should now be more consistent.
- Increased the XP needed for each Farming level by 350XP. (This will adjust your current level slightly).
- Rebalanced the XP system entirely. If you are growing all 7 Growstations with level 0 crops. You will earn around (1350XP a hour).
- Increased the base number of Growstations you can have from 5 > 7.
- Changed how Growstations earn XP. (It is now 1.5XP every 1 minutes a plant is growing).
- Reduced how much XP Growstations need to level up.
- Changed some of the locale to be more direct and clear to make things less confusing.
- Harvesting any bush or plant will now yield a plant 5XP extra. This should favour quicker plants slightly, and encourage more usage if you want to min-max your XP gain.
- Implemented a bypass that should stop the growstation/bush/trait tickers from cancelling if they fall over.
- Implemented a fix for a possible issue that could occur but hasn’t yet.
- Changed some event priorities around to fix some possible issues.
- [Optimisation] Changed the Growstation Menu ticker to be async.

- Fixed being able to use plant seeds to interact with things.
- Fixed an issue where the tournament boss-bar would not be removed in certain circumstances.
- Fixed some messages using the wrong coloured prefix.
- Fixed a possible issue with the Growstation ticker.
- Fixed being able to explode Growstations with TNT or creepers.
- Fixed an issue where the itemstack amount would be modified by the giveseed command, and have a chance to give players multiple bushes/seeds when buying them from the market.
- Fixed the ‘Growstation Empty’ lore saying to buy seeds from /farm shop instead of /farm market.
- Fixed the finished lore saying “Right-Click” but not checking for a Right-Click - also fixed many other occurances.
- Fixed /farm friends <add> <user> showing an incorrect command usage command, despite it working.
- Fixed an issue where plants that didn’t make multiple items used the wrong Grown icon and lore.
- Fixed an error that occurs when placing CustomItems in other dimensions.
- Fixed an issue where harvesting Sugarcane during a tournament would not count the Sugarcane on top.
- Fixed the ‘ShiftClickMenu’ option not working due to some misplaced brackets.
- [Optimisation] Fixed the chunk checks force loading chunks and unloading them, causing some TPS spikes.

> Pastebin A:
----------, Jul 9, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 304
First Release: Jul 2, 2023
Last Update: Nov 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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