Added: You can now define the max amount of bags a player can create.
(This is bypassed with the permission "havenbags.bypass")
Code (YAML):
# The max amount of bags a player can create.
# Note that is they lose a bag, they'll need it restored,
# or their max-bags would essentially be 8. (if 9)
# (Ownerless bags do not count, set 0 for unlimited)
: 9
Code (YAML):
# Message sent to the player when they've reached the bag limit.
: '&cSorry, you cannot make
any more bags.'
Note: "max-bags" in the config file, will default to 0 for those updating the plugin, as to not force a limit on you.
Changed: Exiting a bag preview from the Admin GUI, will now return you to the list of bags, instead of all the way out.
Changed: Updated the default filters in filtering.yml.