Added: You can now convert
Minepacks into HavenBags using the hidden command "/havenbags convertminepacks".
This requires both Minepack and HavenBags to be on the server at the same time, and for the user to be an Operator.
Once converted, all players will receive their converted bag, the next time they log on the server.
Do note that this "conversion" is really just copying the Minepacks data and creating HavenBags from it.
How to use:
1. Make sure both Minepacks and HavenBags are enabled on the server.
2. Use the command
/havenbags convertminepacks
3. Stop the server to write the new data to the server, and remove the Minepacks plugin.
4. Start the server back up, and enjoy your new bags.
Extra: Once all converted bags have been given out, the temporary files made in the conversion will be removed.
Important: Having both Minepacks and Havenbags enabled at the same time should not cause either of them to stop working as intended. <3