Added: Fallback. If a bag fails to open due to anything at all, the bag is afterwards marked as closed, to prevent "This bag is already open!".
Changed: Auto-pickup from inventory, now ignores the following items, if they're in your hotbar:
Code (YAML):
- Sword
- Pickaxe
- Axe
- Shovel
- Hoe
- Fishing Rod
- Shears
- Bow
- Crossbow
Fixed: The following error should now be fixed.
Code (YAML):
] Cannot invoke
"org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta.setDisplayName(String)" because
"bagMeta" is null
This error occured using the 'give' command.
I never got this error replicated, so I hope my fix works.
Fixed: Admin GUI Bag Deletion should now correctly delete bag data.
Fixed: Commands 'restore' and 'preview' should work correctly again, by looking for yml files instead of json.
Fixed: Admin GUI no longer error's bag IDs when loading.