Added: AdminGUI Overhaul.
You can now preview and restore ownerless bags.
GUIs are now paged, so if a player has more bags than the GUI can contain, you can now go to another page.
Added: Weight above the player's action bar, when auto-pickup picks up items.
Changed: Slight update to '/havenbags help'.
Changed: '/havenbags info' now shows pickup filter & weight.
Changed: The following Lang.yml entries have been changed:
Code (Text):
- '&7The Admin GUI does not allow restoration of ownerless bags,'
- '&7you have to do those manually with &e/bags restore&7.'
- ''
- '&7If a player has over 53 bags,'
- '&7you also have to manually restore them.'
- ''
Has been changed to:
Code (Text):
- '&7You can also restore bags of offline players,'
- '&7by using &e/bags gui restore <player-uuid>&7.'
Code (Text):
- '&7Restore bags of online players.'
Has been changed to:
Code (Text):
- '&7Restore bags of online players.'
- ''
- '&7Only the basic bag with it''s content will be restored.'
- '&7Things such as weight and auto-pickup filter, will not be restored.'