Better Text Displays icon

Better Text Displays -----

Makes using text displays easy, with a simple command and loads of features.

Complete rewrite
Rewrote the entirety of the script so that its more efficient, has more features, is easier to understand and use, and can persist through a server restart.

  • The command to create a text display has changed quite a bit. No longer do you have to write all of this nonsense /textdisplay with id yourID with text yourText.
    • It now follows the this syntax: /textdisplay <create / remove / addline / setline / list> <id> <text>
  • In v1.1, I tried making the entities persist through a server restart but failed as I only spent a minute or two thinking of ways to achieve this. In this version, they are now able to.
  • You can now create copies of already created text displays by using /textdisplay create <id of textdisplay to copy>. I'm not sure how intuitive this is though, so might add a copy argument to the command to do this instead.
  • Adding and setting lines of already created text displays is also something that is now possible. This is done by using the commands /textdisplay addline <id> <newLine> and /textdisplay setline <id> <line to set> <newLine> respectively.
  • Mini messages can now be used, as well as just the vanilla "&x" color codes, but not in the same line. This means you can now make the text <rainbow>, alongside the other mini message features.
  • You can still list the displays like before, but an update which will make this look nicer and be more useful will be coming whenever SkBee fixes the hover event syntax.
Things that are not yet implemented but I plan on adding fairly soon:
  • The /textdisplay list command. As stated above, it'll work but it'll be cooler soon.
  • Better error messages for when you don't use the command correctly, or if you try to create a copy of a text display that doesn't exist, that kind of thing.
----------, Sep 16, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 813
First Release: Jun 10, 2023
Last Update: May 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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