- Added a list subcommand to show all channels in command form
- Made listen function smarter, as now if you try to send a message in a channel you are not listening to, plugin will now auto-listen to the target channel
- Made focus chat function smarter, now if trying to chat in a channel that you are not a member of, but could be, it will auto-join and focus chat for you
- Added to help section
- Added sound on channel creation
- Added helpful message on channel join to chat in recently joined channel
- Added an actionbar message on setting focused channel to indicate which channel player is currently in
How to update: 1. Download 3.6.3 and replace your old jar
2. Either delete config.yml and messages.yml and let them regenerate, or, add the following to the appropiate sections
Code (Text):
# Subcommand for the list command
list: "list"
help-msg-8: "&e/channels &6list&e - &7List all channels and information"
# Messages related to list
list-message-1: "&aActive channels (click to join):"
list-message-2: "&a- &e$chatroom$ &e: &fMembers(&e$count$&f) >> $status$"
list-message-3: "&7&o*(in)"