PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] icon

PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] -----

The best chat channels plugin there is

,Added join subcmd, help subcmd, tab auto-completer for cmds

What's new?

- Added a join subcommand for players to join channels via a command

- Added a help subcommand for players to see all available commands

- Added a tab auto-completer so players are prompted with subcommands and chatrooms that are availible

NOTE: In 3.6.1 and up, the config option for setting the custom name of the main playerchannels command has been deleted! To add custom aliases to the command, please use your commands.yml to add an alias. If you have trouble doing this, feel free to message me. You can delete the command-name and aliases option from your config.yml

How to update:
1. Download 3.6.1 and replace your older version of PC with it.

2. Add the following messages to the appropiate files, or delete your config/messages.yml and let them regenerate with new defaults.

Code (Text):

#Subcommand for joining a chatroom through a command
# e.g. /playerchannels join <name>
join: "join"

join-subcommand-help: "&cIncorrect usage: /pc join <channel-name>"
join-subcommand-not-found: "&cThat channel could not be found!"
join-subcommand-private: "&cYou do not have permission to join that channel!"

# Subcommand for the help dialogue
help: "help"

# Help dialogue messages
help-msg: "&a-------------------------------"
help-msg-1: "&e/channels - &7Opens the channel menu"
help-msg-2: "&e/channels &6create &e<&aname&e> <optional: &adescription&e> - &7Creates a channel"
help-msg-3: "&e/channels &6join &e<&aname&e> - &7Joins a specified channel"
help-msg-4: "&e/channels &6listen &e<&aadd&e/&cremove&e/&coff&e> <&aname&e> - &7Only receive chat from a specified channel"

Code (Text):
join-subcommand-help: "&cIncorrect usage: /pc join <channel-name>"
join-subcommand-not-found: "&cThat channel could not be found!"
join-subcommand-private: "&cYou do not have permission to join that channel!"
banned-from-chatroom: "&cYou are banned from that channel!"
already-in-channel: "&cYou are already in that channel!"
----------, Jan 8, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,867
First Release: Jun 10, 2023
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings