PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] icon

PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] -----

The best chat channels plugin there is

Added server channels, new mod permission, admin join override

What's new?

- Added server channels that can exist without any members

To make a server channel, you must have playerchannels.admin. Then, when you try to create a channel, you will see a new toggle for making a server channel. Think of server channels as permanent chat channels for the entire server. Like a help chat or report chat etc. These have their own seperate item and format to distinguish them.

- Made default setting for players accepting invites to true

- Added permission playerchannels.moderator for staff that are mid-tier (not admins but still staff)

- Added ability for admins (playerchannels.admin) and moderators to join any channel regardless of it is public or private

- Added message for receiving an invite

- Made messages that are spammed send in chat after the toast notification goes away

How to update:

1. Download v3.6 and replace the jar
2. If you are using default settings, simply delete your messages.yml, menus.yml, and config.yml and let them regenerate with the new options
3. Otherwise, add the following to the respective yml files
Code (Text):
   name: "&c&lChannel:&f $name$"
   description: "&7&o$description$"
   status: "&7Status: $status$"
   members: "&7Members &7(&f$member_count$&7)"

# Add the following under creation-menu:
      display: "&eServer Channel: "
         - "&7&oClick to toggle whether this should be a server channel"
         - "&7&oServer channels act as official channels without a player owner"
      material: "OAK_SIGN"
      slot: 3

Code (Text):
server-channel-material: "NETHER_STAR"

# Roles that show up in server channels for admins and moderators (playerchannels.admin & playerchannels.moderator)
server-channel-admin: "&cADMIN"
server-channel-mod: "&bMOD"

Code (Text):
received-invite: "&aYou have received an invite to $chatroom$&a. Accept in /chatrooms in the top right. "

listening-to-channels-empty: "&cNo longer listening to any channels"


4. Reload / Restart the server
----------, Jan 2, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,848
First Release: Jun 10, 2023
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings