Set cooldown on menu messages, removed listener icon from always showing, added msgs
What's new?
- Added a 60 second cooldown for how often a message menu will appear. This is important because spamming this lags the server and is susceptible to item glitching.
- Fixed issue where the newly added listener item in 3.4.1 was always showing to non-members of a chatroom
- Added new messages to chatrooms and players for when a player joins and leaves any given chatroom
How to update:
1. Add the following to your messages.yml
Code (Text):
new-player-join: "&7[&e$chatroom$&7] &a+ $name$"
player-leave: "&7[&e$chatroom$&7] &c- $name$"
player-join-message: "&aYou have joined: &e$chatroom$"
player-leave-message: "&cYou have left: &e$chatroom$"
2. Download 3.4.2 and reload / restart