PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] icon

PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] -----

The best chat channels plugin there is

New in-game help tutorial [AMAZING]

What's new?

- Added a great sequential tutorial to help players become familiar with PlayerChannels interface. It is a combination of chat messages and menu messages prompting them to click on certain buttons and guiding them through making their own channel!

- Added a customizable command for cancelling the tutorial so players can opt out of it if they start it by accident

Gif/media of tutorial will be on the page shortly, as well as expansions to the tutorial to make it even better

Note that if you customize the menus.yml, you should edit the tutorial to reflect that (e.x. Instead of saying "click the anvil" say whatever is appropiate)

How to update:
1. Download 3.3

2. Either delete your config.yml/messages.yml/menus.yml or add the following to the appropiate sections

# Chatroom Help Messages
help-msg-1: "&7⥤ &eTo cancel this tutorial at any time, please type '&c/$cancel$&e'"
help-msg-2: "&7⥤ &ePlayerChannels works through &achannels. &eClick the &aAnvil&e to create one."
# Menu is brought up again
help-msg-3: "Click the anvil on the top row"
help-msg-4: "Click the top-left icon to set the name and then click done!"
help-msg-5: "Click on your chatroom in the menu to see all the options!"
help-msg-6: "&7⥤ &eTo chat in your new channel, put an '&a@&e' before your messages or click on '&aIn Chat&e' to send all messages there!"
help-msg-7: "&7⥤ &eTo invite someone to your chatroom, you can find their head in the player list or set the channel to &apublic&e."
help-msg-8: "&7⥤ &eNote that prefixing your message with an '&a@&e' will only work if you are in only one channel!"
help-msg-9: "&eThis concludes the tutorial."

cancel-tutorial-cancelled: "&eYou are no longer in the tutorial."
cancel-tutorial-not-in: "&eYou are not in a tutorial currently. To see the tutorial, click the feather icon in '&a/playerchannels&e'"
already-in-tutorial: "Already in the tutorial!"
Add the below under the nav-bar section. The placement of this matters.
slot: 0
display: "&eHelp?"
material: "FEATHER"
- "&7&oClick for for a quick guide!"

# Should the tutorial be in place (existence of tutorial)
enable-tutorial: true
# Command for cancelling the tutorial
cancel-tutorial: "cancel"
- "canceltut"
- "canceltutorial"
- "cancelpctutorial"
----------, Jul 14, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,848
First Release: Jun 10, 2023
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings