PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] icon

PlayerChannels [Chat Channels] [GUI] [Cross-server messaging] [1.14.4 - 1.21] -----

The best chat channels plugin there is

Added /pc listen <add/remove/off> <channel> subcommand tree
What's new?

- Added a new listen subcommand that is configurable in config.yml
- Can now choose which channels to receive messages from as well as disable incoming global chat messages in one command.
for example, you ONLY want to read one channel that you're apart of, you can do /pc listen add <name> to only listen. You can also do this for multiple channels simultaneously. Doing this will disable incoming global chat.

How to install:
1. Download / update with v3.1
2. Delete your messages.yml and config.yml and let them generate the new keys
3. Reload/Restart

Or alternatively, copy these new keys over to your config.yml
Code (Text):
# Subcommand name for disabling messages from global / other chatrooms
# e.g. /playerchannels listen add <chatroom>
listen: "listen"
and messages.yml
Code (Text):
# Messages related to subcommand /playerchannels listen
listen-not-in-channel: "&cYou are not in that chatroom!"
listen-added-channel: "&aNow listening to $chatroom$&a!"
listen-removed-channel: "&cNo longer listening to $chatroom$&c!"
listen-help: "&cIncorrect arguments! &a/$command$ $listen$ <add/remove/off> <chatroom>"
listen-not-currently-listening: "&cYou are not currently listening to that chatroom!"
listen-off: "&cNo longer listening to any chatroom!"
----------, Jun 21, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,848
First Release: Jun 10, 2023
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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