Display Entity Editor icon

Display Entity Editor -----

A full suite of editing tools for the new display entities

Version: 1.0.15
I love this tool sooooo much, especially the PRECISION of everything. I love you developer <<3333333 THis is SOoo MUCH better than editing using amour stands

Version: 1.0.13
This plugin is good overall, but PLEASE round the numbers, there is no reason that they should go beyond 2 decimals, you can't even put your tool precision that low and it makes the action bar look so ugly.

Version: 1.0.13
Thank you very much for creating this plugin, it is perfect, hey umm, is it possible to add the texture to the players' heads?

Version: 1.0.12
A nice plugin ,my players all love it.and I was able to master its usage in a very short time

Version: 1.0.12
This plugin is very, very good, and i've found it very easy to use. there's at least 1 problem though: Rotation is clunky.

You have the standard pitch and yaw, which works well (for the most part), but it's missing the roll function. obviously, the compensation is having these "Left" and "Right" rotation tools that work on each axis: x, y, and z. Here's where the problem comes in.

when using the "Left" and "Right" rotation tools, the rotation is inconsistent, and it's extremely hard to get it to the original position if you accidentally rotated it (i've still never managed it, but it does seem possible. i just find it easier to delete it and restart though.), and infuriatingly impossible to rotate it to a simple 90° angle (this one i can put my money on, as i've tried extensively with 0.1 set on the Precision tool, and made different attempts on several occasions, only for my efforts to amount to nothing).

i don't often make posts, but because i think this plugin is exceptionally helpful, i want it to reach it's full potential

Version: 1.0.11
Good plugin! Made the editing of display entity easier, it's no need to use complex commands anymore

Version: 1.0.11
This is a very great plugin, the GUI need practive but works fine.

Does 'place holder' compliant is on the roadmap ?

Or create/edit entities using commands ?

Thansk for your job.

Version: 1.0.3
I do not normally provide input as I often do not care about other resources. However, this is fairly new and has lots of potential to be super helpful for server owners and developers alike.
I simply have 2 suggestions which both have the potential to greatly increase plugin performance.
1. Instead of using AsyncPlayerChatEvent in PlayerChat.java, it is strongly recommended to use the newly available ConversationAPI. This handles communication between a player and a plugin rather than relying on chatting events and other plugins being able to parse your chat data as well. The docs explain this pretty well: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/conversations/package-summary.html
2. You have lots of classes using private/public static HashMaps. Although this makes data very easy to manipulate from other classes, this is not the most efficient way to use static and could be coined as 'static abuse'. The best way is to make a single instance of a class or specific class and pass them around to other classes. This is often done in the onEnable method of a plugin passing instances to each other if required. If you have confusion about this, I strongly recommend this resource: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/solved-static-abuse.197572/
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely look into your suggestions

Version: 1.0.3
Very nice work:) Thnaks for this before i want like this !
It's new tool for new future

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,006
First Release: Jun 4, 2023
Last Update: May 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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