Nations-Legacy icon

Nations-Legacy -----

Create nations, claim land, wage war!

Version: v1.0.4
Absolutely amazing! Would love to have a feature where a nation at war can break each other terrain/buildings, interact, and have storage access without perms automatically when at war only. Also, Nation Balance where you can deposit money as well like SaberFactions!

Edit: It seems no Guild or Factions plugins have a feature where they can notify their base being raided when they're online in the game (The base can be raided when one of their members is online). That would be cool to have it. Nation-Legacy is the only plugin that broadcasts the two nations that were at war to the chat that I know. I'd definitely pay for those features to be added to this plugin :D

PS Check your Email!

Version: v1.0.4
Absolutely amazing! Would love to have a feature where a nation at war can break each other terrain/buildings, interact, and have storage access without perms automatically when at war only. Also, Nation Balance where you can deposit money as well like SaberFactions!

Edit: It seems no Guild or Factions plugins have a feature where they can notify their base being raided when they're online in the game (The base can be raided when one of their members is online). That would be cool to have it. Nation-Legacy is the only plugin that broadcasts the two nations that were at war to the chat that I know. I'd definitely pay for those features to be added to this plugin :D

Version: v1.0.4
Absolutely amazing! Would love to have a feature where a nation at war can break each other terrain/buildings, interact, and have storage access without perms automatically when at war only. Also, Nation Balance where you can deposit money as well!

Version: v1.0.3.1
C'est un plugin superbe, mais j'aimerais avoir accès à la configuration comme la langue, car elle se change quand je lance mon serveur

Version: v1.0.3.1
This plugin is perfect! Can I connect to the skript? I think it will be a better plug-in!

Version: v1.0.2
It's a pretty good plugin to get a different experience from the regular "factions". It would still need some refining, for example the addition of full admin access to nations would be appreciated (the capability to interact with the claims of nations as an admin), and more configuration options... Overall with some refining it would surely be worthy of a 5 stars review.

Version: 2023-05-26
Good plugin, you should add a way to deposit money in your nation and an extension for WorldGuard (So that they won't claim the spawn). It would be fantastic also if you add a way to edit the "Wilderness" default name in chat or that you can see only the nation's name without having to deal with the "Wilderness" in chat if you are not in one

Version: 2023-05-26
This plugin is literally amazing, deserves more downloads!
And I see that you really spent time on that video which is super high quality.

This plugin has so much features and is a cool idea in general, would be cool if there was a config file where I can disable/enable every feature I want :) And more permissions would be handy also.

Keep up with this, eventually this plugin will have hundreds, or even thousands of downloads!
Keep up with this <3
Author's response
thank you! Also could you tell me what features you would like to be configurable?

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 805
First Release: May 26, 2023
Last Update: Aug 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings