We will update our wikipedia in a few days, for now all the feature documentation is in the example block!
Added features
Updated title and subtitle formats to new core! (Better support of colors)
Slightly modified design
Information about Features At the moment we have only added two features: Velocity, ForceField All features have external data displayed here in YAML code.
Code (YAML):
# Default settings for features features:
actions: -
"[TITLE] &e&lVelocity" -
"[SUBTITLE] &7You were thrown by the block." chance: 10
# Chance to get this feature is 10% velocityPower: 0.8
# Velocity power is 0.8 velocityHeight: 0.4
# Velocity height is 0.4 ForceField:
actions: -
"[TITLE] &c&lForceField" -
"[SUBTITLE] &7You're too close to the block" radius: 2.1
# Radius is 2.1 block strength: 0.3
# Strength is 0.3