- Added 'wager-cost' as an entry under each game in the config to set an amount that will be take from the player's balance upon joining. Recommended to only use this for wagering, where there is a custom reward that is greater than the cost if they win. This feature will require Vault.
- Added configurable messages for errors such as when a player tries to join an arena that does not exist or is in the wrong world.
- Fixed a bug where armor stands were cleared that weren't inside the defined arena space when a game resets
This version adds the following lines to the config:
Code (Text):
error-arena-not-exist: "&4Error: &cThis arena does not exist!"
error-wrong-world: "&4Error: &cYou cannot access this arena from this world!"
not-enough-balance: "&cThis game costs $%cost% to play!"
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
Make sure to combine the wager-cost lines with their respective game sections!