mSignatures [ Add a signature to your item ] 1.16x - 1.21.x icon

mSignatures [ Add a signature to your item ] 1.16x - 1.21.x -----

Leave your signature on an item!

Need help? Have any questions? Join our discord server and I'll help you!
mSignatures is a plugin that will allow a player to sign their items, by using the command /sign and having the permission ms.sign.

upload_2023-5-13_21-30-9.png upload_2023-5-13_21-30-9.png upload_2023-5-13_21-30-9.png upload_2023-5-13_21-30-9.png

Code (Text):

Add a error message if a player is not holding an item. | ✅ Implemented
Add pictures. | ✅ Implemented
Make the sign lore customisable in config. | ✅ Implemented
Add a config reload command. | ✅ Implemented

Code (Text):

signatureName: "&7Signed by: &b%player_name%" # Use %player_name% to get the player's name.

noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
notAPlayer: "You have to be a player to use this command."
noItemInHand: "&cPlease hold an item in your main hand."
itemSigned: "&aItem has been signed."
signCorrectUsage: "&cCorrect usage: &7/sign"
checkSignCorrectUsage: "&cCorrect usage: &7/checksign <player_name>"
configReloaded: "&aConfig has been reloaded."
itemHasNoLore: "&cThe item you are holding does not have a lore."


Any ideas on what to add, please join my discord and say it there.

Also please consider leaving a rating for my plugin I've worked a lot of time on it, and I need some motivation to keep making it better, Thank you!

  • You may distribute this plugin as long as the download link stays on this page!
  • You may not copy this code and claim it as yours!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 301
First Release: May 10, 2023
Last Update: Nov 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings