Pl3xMap icon

Pl3xMap -----

Minimalistic & lightweight world map viewer for Minecraft servers using the vanilla rendering style

Update to build 500
Major changes since last changelog update:

New Feature; Realtime marker updates!

This means that all markers (like moving player icons and the like) will now update in realtime through the use of Server Sent Events. The file-based marker updates still exist as both a fallback in case realtime updating fails, and as a way to have custom/plugin markers continue existing even when the map is viewed while the server is offline (if you have a reverse proxy set up).

Each layer config now has an additional live-update option. This option controls whether or not the specified layer should be pushed in realtime to end-users. If, for example, you like that player markers get updated every second, you could disable this option in the layers/players.yml config to keep old functionality.

There are two additional options related to live updates under settings.performance in the main config ( config.yml). handles how many threads are used to push marker updates. determines if the live update system is used.

Bug fixes and improvements
  1. At some point the fabric client stopped working. This has been fixed.
    Previously, it was hardcoded to grab map tiles that were created using the "basic" renderer. I've updated it to use the "vintage_story" renderer, since that's the new default. In the future this will be changed to use packets for grabbing region tiles, as well as allowing you to switch which renderer is being displayed.
  2. It was a known problem that command suggestions just didn't work properly for some commands. They should all be fixed.
  3. The version command will now output version, platform, and commit information even if the update-checker fails.
Minor changes since last changelog update:
  • add update interval option to built-in layers
  • add missing blocks and their colors
  • only print stacktrace in warn logs if debug option is enabled
  • handle the url connection separately from everything else, closes #18
  • Nether Roof Renderer (#24)
  • add <world>.center.[x|z] option, closes #20, supersedes #25
  • fix biome color not returning right for fluids
  • fix lang for non-minecraft biomes/blocks
  • skip checking region files for a disabled world, closes #3
  • update pirate talk translation values
  • add polish translation
  • Make 'unknown' block/biome hard-coded values configurable (#30)
  • Add resume command (#32)
  • prevent duplicate appearance of failed icon registration stacktrace
  • Add Folia Support (#40)
  • support the LZ4 compression type, closes #44
  • support uncompressed data, closes #45
API changes

Internally, layers used to update in a per-second basis, which meant everything was configured in seconds. This has now been changed so everything runs in ticks instead. I tried to make sure that all API methods that state "seconds" correctly return or set the update interval as seconds, so that addons don't end up unexpectedly breaking/running faster than they should.

isLiveUpdate() and setLiveUpdate(boolean liveUpdate) were added to the Layer class. Any created layers will by default return false when isLiveUpdate() is called, which will stop the layer's markers from being pushed in realtime. If you believe that your custom layers should be able to update in realtime, then call setLiveUpdate(true) when creating your layer. (Ideally you'd make this configurable from your addon).


Thank you for your patience with how long it took to gain access to this resource. If you run into any issues or have any suggestions for new features or improvements, please do so in my discord server:
----------, Jun 17, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,878
First Release: May 7, 2023
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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