Replaced game item system with one of my new libraries, now works better with custom key system.
Users can now glow the items via items.yml.
Removed GameItem and GameItemManager classes.
GameItemManager is replaced with ItemManager.
Lots of code based improvements.
Changes in the items.yml
Code (YAML):
name: "&c&lReturn to Lobby &7(Right Click)" # Custom-modeled items by the Oraxen plugin are supported. # To use them, simply replace the material with oraxen:item_id_here. material: RED_BED
slot: 8
murderer-slot: 8
lore: -
"&7Right-click to leave to the lobby!" # Should this item has a glowing effect? # This option is optional and is false by default. glow: false
# Actions attribute can also be added to other lobby and spectator items. # By default, items will be triggered for all actions. (PHYSICAL is not allowed) actions: -