Fixed a bug that breaks the plugin when characters try to suicide
Now all the sounds can be customized via config file.
Fixed a bug that breaks the plugin when characters try to suicide.
Changes in config.yml
Code (YAML):
Sounds: # Custom death sounds only plays to Murderer and the victim. Death: ENTITY_PLAYER_DEATH
# The sound plays when someone falls into void. Fell-Off-The-Map: ENTITY_SKELETON_DEATH
# The sound plays when there ire 15, 10, 5 and 4, 3... seconds left before the game starts. Game-Starts-In: UI_BUTTON_CLICK
# The sound plays when someone picks up gold. Pick-Up-Gold: ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP
# Sounds for the Murderer's sword. Murderer-Sword: # The sound plays when the Murderer's sword charging. Charging: UI_BUTTON_CLICK
# The sound plays when the Murderer threw their sword. Throw-Successful: ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_SHOOT
# The sound plays when the Murderer's throwing is canceled. Throw-Canceled: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK