◆ Included new cache system for player heads to prevent performance issues.
[NEW] ◆ Fixed issue with title in `/pb list`, when checking protections from other players being the placeholder not parsed as the parsing system wasn't applied in the title.
◆ Fixed issue with protection icon in `/pb list`, which was using the protection block item as template instead of only getting the material type
◆ Fixed issue with command system which wasn't processing properly the commands when a soft-dependency is missing.
◆ Fixed issue with ProtectionStones not loading the hook properly, as it was trying to hook on load and not on enable.
◆ Fixed issue with purge command and timer, were it couldn't hide first the protection blocks before deleting the protections.
◆ Fixed issue with purge command, due new changes, it was not processing properly asynchronous deletion.
◆ Fixed issue with some messages in the default Lang.yml containing a code text due a replacement error.
◆ Fixed issue with player heads, not being applied due new system.