Hello, I'm Datatags, the new maintainer of UltraCosmetics, and I'm here with release 2.6.2!
Important changes, aka TL;DR:
- Brand new
Quick start guide!
- If you're using LuckPerms, UC can now hook it directly to set permissions instead of using commands. See
quick-start guide for more info.
- Two new WorldGuard flags, see "new features" section for more info.
- This release of UC
only supports MC 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1, and 1.18.2
New features:
- 8 new pets: Horse, Blaze, Creeper, Enderman, Skeleton, Zombie, Piglin, and Axolotl. Thanks
- New permission
ultracosmetics.allcosmetics will grant permission to use all cosmetics
- New WorldGuard flag:
uc-blocked-categories. It is a list of categories that should be blocked in the WorldGuard region.
- New WorldGuard flag:
uc-affect-players. Players standing in a region where this is set to DENY will not be affected by other players' cosmetics. This functionality is also extended to the
uc-cosmetics flag.
- New config option
Suits.Rave.Update-Delay-In-Creative. This makes the rave suit update less often for creative players, making it less likely that the rave suit prevents creative players from opening their inventories.
- Hostile mob pets and mounts are now hidden in peaceful worlds (since they can't spawn there anyway.)
Bug fixes:
- SQL now works properly on older MC versions
- Treasure chests now work correctly on legacy MC versions
- Armor cosmetics now properly check for empty slots
- Smashdown gadget no longer activates legacy material support
- Ammo purchase menu no longer opens when no economy plugin is present
- Pet names now use holograms on 1.8 so they display correctly
- Pumpling pet is now a carved pumpkin, as it should be
- WorldGuard errors on startup related to Citizens are now fixed
- Rocket gadget no longer breaks when unequipped during takeoff
- Fix black hole gadget error when unequipped with precise timing
- Fix some cosmetics showing on multiple pages when filtered
- Mounts that change blocks no longer appear to leave blocks behind
- Mounts can now spawn when standing in tall grass or other foliage, as well as when on dirt path.
Misc changes:
- 1.14.4 and 1.15.2 support has been removed
- Gadget descriptions are now in messages.yml
- Dependencies are now shaded correctly for easier updating
- NMS stuff rearranged again
/uc menu with no args now opens the main menu
- Several things have been re-optimized
- Clear cosmetic button is now in the same place on all menus (the center on the bottom row)
Supported versions: 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2