[1.17.1 - 1.21.4] Ultra Cosmetics [OPENSOURCE & FREE!!] icon

[1.17.1 - 1.21.4] Ultra Cosmetics [OPENSOURCE & FREE!!] -----

#1 Cosmetics plugin! Treasure Chests, Gadgets, Hats, Pets, Morphs, Mounts, Effects and more!

BugFixes for 1.12 support
- Fixed #259 (Issue with Pumpling and SilkSpawners)
- Fixed #312 (Issue where pet item drops could be collected by hoppers)
- Fixed #309 (Issue where /uc menu renamepet wouldn't work)
- Fixed an issue with the trampoline gadget where the area where you equip or last use it would launch you up (ground had to be wool)
- Disabled EtherealPearl for 1.12 until the bug can be fixed.
- Updated the /uc menu command: menus that are not enabled or don't have requirements met (e.g. a cosmetic category is disabled or a required plugin not installed) won't open or show up as available menus to use.
- Fixed an issue where the pet menu wouldn't open if the option to rename pets was enabled, the permission required option was enabled, and the user didn't have permission to rename pets.
- Pet names will now be shown in spawn and despawn messages (e.g. if you spawn a cow named Bob, it'll say "You spawned cow (Bob)").
- Fixed an issue with the melon thrower where the initial melon would get stuck if you spawned another before it exploded (e.g. by throwing the next one up in the air). This will also add a new message to your messages file titled "Wait-For-Finish" under MelonThrower.
- Fixed an issue where a pet with a colored name would change the color of the last parenthesis in the pet menu.

Thanks again a lot to @RadBuilder who updates while I'm in exams :D

Report bugs on the GitHub issue tracker! https://github.com/iSach/UltraCosmetics/issues
----------, Jun 12, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 368,684
First Release: Aug 13, 2015
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
953 ratings
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