Discordo icon

Discordo -----

Let users communicate to each other through both Discord and Minecraft using image manipulation

Discordo is a plugin that allows users to communicate with each other on both Discord and Minecraft. What makes it special is the implementation of image manipulation, which displays messages to Discord as an image using the Minecraft chat format.

This plugin uses hex colors, which are only supported on versions 1.16 and above. The plugin should theoretically still work on older versions, without hex colors, but this has not been tested. Support will not be given to servers that use versions before 1.16.5.

I do not check Spigot messages frequently, so for faster support please join the Discord server. This is also where feature requests can be done.

  • Choose to only have communication one way or both ways.
  • Send a message to Discord when a player joins or leaves the Minecraft server.
  • Give players a permission node to join and leave silently.
  • Send a message to Discord when a player dies in Minecraft.
  • Allow or disallow the usage of color codes in messages sent by players on both Discord and Minecraft.
  • Adjust the image properties of the message that is sent to Discord, such as spacing, padding, width, background opacity and text shadow.
  • Set a character limit on messages sent from Discord to Minecraft, to prevent the chat being spammed with too long messages.
  • Highlight mentioned users, channels and roles in Minecraft chat.
  • Display information when a player hovers over a mention or the player name.
  • Enable click events on mentions to copy usernames or go to mentioned channels.
  • Easily customize all messages sent by the plugin using your own color theme: &x, &y and &z. (more information about this in the language,yml file)


  • discordo.command.broadcast - Allow player to use the '/dco broadcast' command.
  • discordo.command.invite - Allow player to use the '/dco invite' command.
  • discordo.command.reload - Allow player to use the '/dco reload' command.
  • discordo.silent.join - Stop join message from being broadcast to Discord for said player.
  • discordo.silent.leave - Stop leave message from being broadcast to Discord for said player.

Configuration files

Installation guide

A written installation guide can be found on the GitHub page. Alternatively you could watch this video:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 503
First Release: Mar 25, 2023
Last Update: May 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings