AFK Rewards Lite | API | Give Rewards to Players inside a region | 1.8.x-1.20.x | OVER 1000 SERVERS icon

AFK Rewards Lite | API | Give Rewards to Players inside a region | 1.8.x-1.20.x | OVER 1000 SERVERS -----

Simple, easy to use AFK plugin.

New features:
- Ability to now use the loading screen in actionbar and bossbar!
- Text for a player when he enters/leaves a region
- Faster player checking, I've implemented a much better player finding algorithm based on chunks, 5x more efficient than the other one
- Reward Synchronization, true/false (by def false) players will now all be handled their timers by a global timer
- In random commands you can now put more commands to be executed at once
- Each command that doesn't work, won't break the plugin anymore. Instead, it will warn you inside console about the command that isn't working.
Bugs fixed:
- When using a denied command, it would remain forever denied
----------, Jul 4, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25,510
First Release: Feb 19, 2023
Last Update: Aug 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
27 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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