Permission needed (
/chatgames +points <player> <amount> - Adds points to a player.'
/chatgames -points <player> <amount> - Removes points from a player.'
/chatgames setpoints <player> <amount> - Sets the points for a player'
Permission needed(
/chatgames points - Returns your points'
minimum-players parameter is like the chance you assign to each reward
Here's an example on how to use it:
Code (YAML):
minimum-players: 2
#Online players-based condition, reward can only be chosen if there are 2 or more players online chance: 50
data: - '10.0
%~ [consolecmd] give %player% diamond_block 3 has:test.permission' - '
] give
%player% iron_block 5' reward_2:
data: - '
] give
%player% iron_block 2'
Fixed cancel-message-when-winning setting not working
Fixed clickable winner message sometimes being sent twice
All new sections added that are needed to run (add this or re-generate):
messages.yml (New fields and modified help command message)
Code (YAML):
number_not_found_commands: '&8
[%prefix%&8] &cUnable to find number to apply to command' points_added: '&8
[%prefix%&8] &fAdded &a%amount% &fpoints to &c%player%' points_removed: '&8
[%prefix%&8] &fRemoved &a%amount% &fpoints from &c%player%' points_set: '&8
[%prefix%&8] &fSet &c%player%`s &fpoints to &a%amount%' player_points: '&8
[%prefix%&8] &fYou have &a%amount% &fpoints!' in_cooldown: '&8
[%prefix%&8] &cYou can`t use this yet, wait &e%time_left%s &cbefore using the command again' help_command: - '&7&m
- '&e&l-ChatGames-'
- '&6'
- '&6&lCOMMANDS:'
- '&6'
- '&a/chatgames
) &f- &3Starts the event type specified instantly.'
- '&a/chatgames top &f- &3Shows the top 10 players with most points.'
- '&a/chatgames fastest &f- &3Shows the top 10 players with fastest times.'
- '&a/chatgames toggle &f- &3Toggle chat games on or off for yourself'
- '&a/chatgames togglesound &f- &3Toggle chat games SOUNDS on or off.'
- '&a/chatgames reload &f- &3Reloads the configuration files.'
- '&a/chatgames +points <player> <amount> &f- &3Adds points to a player.'
- '&a/chatgames -points <player> <amount> &f- &3Removes points from a player.'
- '&a/chatgames setpoints <player> <amount> &f- &3Sets the points for a player'
- '&a/chatgames points &f- &3Returns your points'
- '&6'
- '&2&lGAME TYPES:'
- '&5unscramble, unreverse, reaction, random, fillout, variable, clickable, math, trivia, hoverable, hunt, mine, place, fish, craft, eat, furnace'
- '&7&m