We've reached the next big update! In this larger version, we focused on player feedback. We also made some minor improvements over previous versions. After installing the plugin, all recipes on the server are still available to everyone, but players without permissions cannot see the recipe information.
- We changed the structure and visuals of the plugin. Blocks and items have now been moved into categories, and categories have been moved into a single GUI. Categories can be seen from now on with the /craft or /c command.
- We completely changed the permissions. Permissions are now by category, i.e. a player or rank must-have category permission to see recipe information.
- Cleaned out the code. And also did some minor improvements.
- New permissions: craftable.food, craftable.armor, craftable.misc, craftable.blocks.
- By changing the permissions, the commands also changed. Each category has its own command. Also, from the main GUI players can now only open these categories to which they have access.
- New commands: /food, /armor, /misc, /blocks.
- Lastly, we also added new recipes. The first recipe was a sponge, and the purpose of the second recipe was to create a recycling element, a potato recipe. The recipe allows three rotten potatoes to become one healthy potato.