INSTALLATION AND USE The plugin needs java 17. So any Minecraft version that supports java 17 (if you have any fork in 1.8 with java 17 you can use it).
To configure the plugin, you need to set your own API key: create an account on OpenAI (here), generate a key (here), and then insert it in the config. Then restart the server.
Run the
/chatgpt command to start the conversation with ChatGPT. Just write anything in the chat and the bot will answer you. Use the
/chatgpt command to end the conversation.
BOT conversation types: Single: only those who execute the "/chatgpt" command can talk to the bot and will be able to see the conversation
. Broadcast: only those who execute the "/chatgpt broadcast" command can talk to the bot but all users of the server will be able to see the conversation.
Full: When someone runs the "/chatgpt full" command everyone will be able to communicate with the bot and see the replies.
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." invalid-type: "&cInvalid type. Valid types: &6{types}" toggle:
enabled: "&aChatGPT has connected. Say Hi!" disabled: "&cChatGPT has disconnected." error: "&cAn error occurred while processing your message." send-messages-to-console: true
use-default-chat: false
format: -
"&b%player%: &7%message%" -
"&bAI -> %player%: &a%message%" chatgpt: # model: "gpt-3.5-turbo" temperature: 0.9
max-tokens: 150
top-p: 1.0
frequency-penalty: 0.0
presence-penalty: 0.6
# Change this to change the priority of the chat listener (useful if you have other plugins that modify chat) # Don't change this unless you know what you're doing # Listeners are called in following order: LOWEST -> LOW -> NORMAL -> HIGH -> HIGHEST -> MONITOR chat-priority: HIGH
Common issues If when you try to write with ChatGPT in chat you get this message:
Code (Text):
An error occurred while processing your message.
It means that the request made to the site has failed. The main reasons for this cause are:
- You have not configured the API Key in the config.yml (or you have not restarted the server)
- The site is offline or inaccessible from your server
- Your API Key has been deactivated (in this case you have to blame the site